
Student Groups
Students make up a talented and vital part of our church community. We are committed to learning from them, and helping them ask the questions that bring them closer to Christ. Our student group meets regularly on Tuesday evenings during term time at 7.30 p.m. We usually choose a theme to frame a series of discussions over the term. Previous themes have included ‘Means and Ways of Praying’, ‘The Sacraments and Social Action’, and 'Great Christian Thinkers'. Particularly in Trinity term, we sometimes have field trips to historic Oxford churches and religious communities, or just to the pub.
For updates about where and when we are meeting, please visit the Facebook page or contact Mthr Esther at

Home Groups
We want to see more of each other than just on Sunday mornings, and so we do! Home groups meet fortnightly, typically for food and drink, and conversation. Despite the name, they’ve been known to meet in pubs and restaurants. Home group activities vary, and may include discussing a book or the previous week’s sermon or a series of interesting theological topics. Home groups also meet out of term. All are welcome.
For more information about the North Oxford group, please contact Mthr Judith.
For more information about the West/Central Oxford group, please contact Mthr Mel.
For more information about the East Oxford group, or if you would like to start a home group near you, please contact Mthr Esther.

Children's Church
St Mary Magdalen's runs a Children's Church which meets every Sunday for a children's liturgy which includes prayer, singing, storytelling and an activity based on the gospel of the day. The service is run jointly with St Michael's at the Northgate who kindly host us in their parish room. The service runs from 10.30 a.m. to 11.15 a.m., when those from St Mary Magdalen's return to the main service in time for communion. All ages welcome (currently our youngest member is 6 months and our oldest 9 years).

Saturday Bible Study
Our Bible Study group meets online every other Saturday at 10am for an hour. No prior knowledge of the Bible is required. For more details, please contact Mthr Esther.